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Data Factory Metric Logs

It allows to retrieve the logs of Data Factory pipelines executions applying different sets of filters. The logs are retrieved from the Util.DataFactoryPipelineRun table in the Log database in Core.


Log database stores a copy of the logs (traces) of the platform, by applying a set of filters.

This table stores information about pipeline executions in Azure Data Factory.

Name Description
LogDate Timestamp of log message.
RunId Run Id of Data Factory pipeline.
RunGroupId Run Group Id in Data Factory. Identifier that correlates all the recovery runs of a pipeline run.
IsLatest Flag indicating whether the pipeline run is the latest in its group.
PipelineName Name of the Pipeline.
LastUpdated The last updated timestamp for the pipeline run event.
RunStart Timestamp of start of pipeline run.
RunEnd Timestamp of end of pipeline run.
DurationInMs Total duration in ms of pipeline run.
Status Pipeline run status.
Message The message from a pipeline run.

You can see more detail information in Azure Data Factory help pages.


This table stores information about activity executions in Azure Data Factory.

Name Description
LogDate Timestamp of log message.
PipelineName Name of the pipeline to which this activity belongs.
PipelineRunId Run Id of the pipeline to which this activity belongs.
ActivityName Name of the activity.
ActivityRunId Id of the activity run.
ActivityStatus Status of the activity run.
ActivityRunStart The start time of activity run.
ActivityRunEnd The end time of activity run.
ActivityDuration The duration of activity run in ms.
PipelineDuration Total duration in ms of pipeline run.
ActivityError Error message of activity run.

You can see more detail information in Azure Data Factory help pages.