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Provider tableΒΆ

Currently, any data from any source is extracted and stored in files. The data source could be a database, an API, a set of files stored in a SFTP server... Providers are a logical collection of Entities so they are used to organizing them. Usually the Entities from the same data source belong to the same Provider.

Column Description Format Required
Id Provider identifier int Yes
ProviderName Name of the Provider. Space character is not allowed. varchar(30) Yes
DatabaseName Name of the database created in Data Lake to store data for this Provider varchar(30) Yes
Description Description of the Provider nvarchar(max)
Owner Identification of the person responsible of the Provider nvarchar(256)
IdDataStorageUnit Identifier of the Data Storage Unit in which this Provider is contained int Yes
ParentSecurityPath The SecurityPath of the DSU that contains the Provider varchar(100) Yes
Image Image used for the Provider in the Sidra Manager UI varbinary(max)
CreationDate Date of the creation datetime2(7) Yes
Detail Additional field for notes nvarchar(max)
ItemId Global Unique identifier (GUID) uniqueidentifier Yes
SecurityPath Path of identifiers used for authorization varchar(113) Yes
LastUpdated Provider last update date datetime2(0) Yes