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It allows to retrieve generic information about the status of the installation:

  • Get the list of clusters, theirs type and status.
  • Get the list of all the services provided by Sidra platform an which ones are active in the installation.
  • Get the list of DSUs configured in the installation.
  • Get the latest errors. Errors are entries of the Util.Log table with the Level field setup to Error.
  • Get the latest warnings. Warnings are entries of the Util.Log table with the Level field setup to Warning.
  • Get the number of entries in the Util.Log table filtered by a severity -which means a specific value in the Level field- an grouped by severity.
  • Get the number of errors filtered by a minimum id.
  • Get the number of warnings filtered by a minimum id.
  • Get a list of the selected measures about the installation with the type of measure it is.
  • Get a list of the selected measures during the selected dates.

These are the available measures:

Id MeasureName
0 TotalApps
1 StorageVolume
2 LastDayVolume
3 TotalEntities
4 TotalRows
5 TotalStreamingSources
6 TotalAssets
7 TotalDataLakeRegions
8 TotalProviders

These are the available measure types:

Id MeasureUnit
0 Bytes
1 Count
2 Seconds
3 Date
4 Text
5 Bool

These are the available measures for the selection using dates:

Id DatedMeasureName
0 ValidationErrors
1 LoadVolume

The information provided by these endpoints is used in the dashboard section of the Sidra Manager website.