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DataIntakeProcess tableΒΆ

The DataIntakeProcess table is a table to relate connector information, with the Provider Id and details about the Data Intake Process configuration. See the documentation on data ingestion for more information on the usage of these tables.

Column Description Format Required
Id Id of the Data Intake Process int Yes
ItemId GUID for the Data Intake Process uniqueidentifier Yes
Name Friendly name for the Data Intake Process varchar(80) Yes
Description Short description for the Data Intake Process nvarchar(max)
LastExecutionConfiguration Last configuration parameters of the DIP nvarchar(max)
IdProvider Id of the Provider associated to this Data Intake Process int Yes
IdPluginVersion Id of the Connector Version used to configure this Data Intake Process uniqueidentifier Yes
CreationDate Date when the Data Intake Process was first created datetime2(7) Yes
LastUpdated Date when the Data Intake Process object was last updated datetime2(7) Yes
AdditionalProperties JSON field varchar(max)
IdPlugin Connector Id related uniqueidentifier Yes