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TypeTranslation tableΒΆ

The TypeTranslation table stores type mapping and transformation rules for the different stages of the Attributes processing when data sources are configured and ingested in Sidra

Column Description Format Required
Id AssetPart identifier int Yes
SourceType Data type in the source system (e.g. ntext, float, VARBINARY) varchar(50) Yes
Translation Destination type or transformation expression to destination type e.g. NVARCHAR(MAX) varchar(500) Yes
ConnectorID GUID for the connector used for the data intake process uniqueidentifier Yes
ConnectorVersion Version of the connector used for the data intake process varchar(20) Yes
IdTypeTranslationSink Id of the Type Translation sink or destination tinyint Yes
StoredAsBase64 Boolean indicating whether the type is stored as base64 bit Yes

See section about Data-ingestion for more information about the usage of this table.

The TypeTranslationSink table includes different values:

Column Description
1 Parquet
2 Databricks
4 Source