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This version of Sidra does not support Excel ingestion although this feature will be implemented in future versions.

For Assets with different schemas under the same Entity, a specific table AssetAdditionalProperties has been included in order to cover the scenarios for Excel files ingestion specifically.

This table contains a Regex, or regular expression field, to map out a specific set of Assets. This table also contains a new field called AdditionalProperties for a specific Asset, that contains the appropriate JSON configuration for reading the schema of the Excel files to be ingested via Landing area. Then:

  • If there is a match between the Asset name and the regular expression (Regex) field in AssetAdditionalProperties, the AdditionalProperties field from this AssetAdditionalProperties table will be applied as an input for specifying the schema of such Asset.
  • If there is not a match between the Asset name and the regular expression (Regex) field in AssetAdditionalProperties, the notebook should take the JSON configuration of the AdditionalProperties field at Entity level.
Column Description Format Required
Id AssetAdditionalProperties identifier int Yes
IdEntity Identifier of the Entity int Yes
AssetNameRegex Specific regular expression nvarchar(max)
AdditionalProperties Schema for the Asset related nvarchar(max)
Order Checking order of the regular expressions smallint Yes