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Asset tableΒΆ

The Asset table stores information about each of the data elements ingested in the platform.

Column Description Format Required
Id Asset identifier bigint Yes
IdEntity Identifier of the Entity related to this Asset int Yes
AssetName Name of the Asset varchar (500)
AssetDate Business date of the Asset being ingested date
LastUpdated Date of the last time that the Asset was ingested in the system datetime2(0) Yes
IdStatus Identifier of the AssetStatus in which the Asset is tinyint Yes
Notes Additional notes about the Asset nvarchar(150)
SourcePath Location of the Asset from where it was ingested in the system, e.g. the location of the landing zone varchar(1024)
Entities Number of Entities in the Asset bigint
ByteSize Size in bytes bigint
ParentSecurityPath The SecurityPath of the Provider to which the Entity belongs varchar(100) Yes
DestinationPath The path of the file at destination. varchar(1024)
SecurityPath Path of identifiers used for authorization varchar(100) Yes
IdDataStorageUnit Identifier of the Data Storage Unit where the Asset is stored int
IdProvider Identifier of the Provider to which the Asset belongs int