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EntityEntity table

The EntityEntity table allows to represent many relationships between Entities. There are several types of relations that can be established between Entities, for example, when the data source is a SQL database and two Entities represent two tables that are related between them in the data source, that semantic can be included in the Sidra platform using a relationship between those Entities. In order to differentiate the Entities involved in the relationship, one of them will be called the "Parent" Entity and the other the "Child" Entity.

Column Description Format Required
IdParentEntity Parent Entity identifier int Yes
IdChildEntity Child Entity identifier int Yes
RelationshipType Kind of relationship between both Entities, IdParentEntity and IdChildEntity nvarchar(50) Yes
Description Optional description to provide details about the relationship varchar(500)
Id Relationship identifier int Yes
IdAttribute Attribute identifier that can be involved in this relationship between Entities, for example, being the foreign key when Kind has the Relation value. int

RelationshipType column

These are the supported values for the RelationshipType column:

Id Name Description
0 Other The IdChildEntity with IdParentEntity but with a different kind of relationship not specified by default. Check the Description field for further information.
1 Child The IdChildEntity is generated from the IdParentEntity.
2 Delta The IdChildEntity contains Delta data from the IdParentEntity.
3 Relation For relational databases, specify that there is a relation between source tables.
4 ViewOf Entity is a view of another Entity or Entities