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AssetIndexingStatus tableΒΆ

Column Description Format Required
IdAsset Asset identifier bigint Yes
IdPipeline Pipeline identifier int Yes
IdStatus Asset status tinyint Yes
IndexersKnowledgeStore Knowledge Store indexers nvarchar(max)
LastUpdated Date of last update datetime2(7) Yes
IndexersExecutionErrors Displayed errors nvarchar(max)
IndexersExecutionWarnings Displayed warnings nvarchar(max)

Where IdStatus can be:

Id StatusName StatusDescription
0 Error There has been an error when processing the Asset in some step
1 LoadToAzureBlobStorage The Asset is completely loaded in Azure Blob storage
2 MovedToDataStorageUnit The Asset has been loaded in the Data Storage Unit
3 ImportedFromDataStorageUnit The Asset has been imported from the Data Storage Unit into the client database
4 UploadingToAzureBlobStorage The Asset is being transferred to Azure Blob storage
5 RetryUploadToAzureStorage The upload has been canceled and it has to be reuploaded
6 ImportingFromDataStorageUnit The Asset is being imported from the Data Storage Unit into the client database
7 ImportingInDataStorageUnit The Asset is uploaded and being imported to Data Storage Unit
8 IndexingInAzureSearch The Asset is being indexed in Azure Search
9 IndexedInAzureSearch The Asset has been indexed in Azure Search
10 Removed The Asset has been removed
11 Archived The Asset has been archived