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TriggerTemplate table

This table stores the information about a trigger template.

Column Description Format Required
Id TriggerTemplate identifier int Yes
ItemId The global identifier of the template. It is unique within all the trigger templates in all the Sidra installations uniqueidentifier Yes
Name Name of the TriggerTemplate, e.g. "EventTrigger" varchar(80) Yes
Description Description of the TriggerTemplate, e.g. "Detects when a file has been created into Blob Storage and raise configured pipelines" nvarchar(512)
Template JSON template defining the trigger. As a template, it contains placeholders nvarchar(max) Yes
PipelineTemplate JSON template defining the pipelines to which the trigger will apply nvarchar(max) Yes
DefaultValue Values to resolve the template placeholders by default nvarchar(max) Yes
Parameters Additional JSON field for parameters. If there are not necessary parameters, fill with "{}" nvarchar(max) Yes
IdTriggerTemplateType Foreign key to relate the type of template -Intake, system and other- tinyint Yes

TriggerTemplateType table

This table contains these values:

Id Name
1 Intake
2 System
255 Other