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About the Google Analytics Universal connector plugin


From Sidra 2022.R3 version onwards, the autogenerated Transfer Query will be replaced by the DSU ingestion script. More information can be checked here .

The Sidra plugin (a.k.a. connector) for Google Analytics Universal enables seamless connection to a Google Analytics Universal account to extract metrics and dimensions reporting data.

This connector allows to connect to the reporting layer of the Google Analytics Universal API via pre-defined report queries. You can configure multiple Entities mapping to different reports. The Sidra connector wizard form allows to define these different report tables to import. As such, it does not allow to access all the raw data from the Google Analytics model, it just allows to extract pre-configured report tables. Reporting tables are configured by a set of metrics and dimensions. Not all dimensions and metrics are valid combinations to query.

You can check the correctness of these metrics and dimensions combinations and more details about the Google Reporting API in these pages:

Sidra's plugin for creating Data Intake Processes from Google Analytics is responsible for extracting metrics and dimensions reporting data as offered by the Google Analytics service, and loading this data as tables into the specified Data Storage Unit at specified intervals.

This plugin is compatible with both Google Analytics Universal reporting API.