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How to add a new Entity


The metadata API will sanitize spaces in characters if they are provided in Entity or Attribute names, by replacing with `_` character. This tutorial applies to intakes of Landing Zone type.

This tutorial explains how to add a new Entity in Sidra.

This is required for example when a new type of file has to be loaded from a FTP server or new Entities are going to be pulled from an API. When adding a new Entity, there are two possible scenarios:

  • Scenario 1: the Entity belongs to an existing Provider.
  • Scenario 2: A new Provider must be configured. If the Provider is not created yet, this tutorial How to add a new Provider can be used to create it. Entities are stored in the Entity table in the Sidra Core metadata database.

The way to create a new Entity entry is by using the Sidra API endpoint.

Add a new Entity by using Sidra API

Sidra API requires requests to be authenticated, the section How to use Sidra API explains how to create an authenticated requests. For the rest of the document, it is going to be supposed that Sidra API is deployed in the following URL:

This is the sequence of requests required to create a new Entity, some of the request are used to gather information about the Entity, if that information is already available, those requests will not be necessary:

Step 1. Get the identifier of the Provider

Before creating an Entity, it is required to know the Id Provider to which the Entity will be associated. If the identifier is already known, this step can be skipped. If not, this request can be made to retrieve all the Providers:



It will return an object with the list of Providers, including their Ids.


        "id": 10,
        "itemId": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6", 
        "providerName": "MyNewProvider",
        "databaseName": "dwmynewprovider",
        "dataStorageUnitName": "MyDSU"

From the previous response, the Id of the Provider can be retrieved and used in the next step to populate the field idProvider.

Step 2. Create a new Entity

By using the Sidra API some of the fields of the Entity are automatically populated -like Id, ParentSecurityPath or CreationDate-. Once the rest of the information of the entity is gathered, it can be created using this request.



And adding the following content as part of the body.

Request body

  "filesPerDrop": 1,
  "rowDelimiter": null,
  "reCreateTableOnDeployment": true,
  "nullText": null,
  "format": "csv",
  "lastDeployed": null,
  "lastUpdated": "2022-06-20T10:00:00.885Z",
  "fieldDelimiter": "\\u0009",
  "headerLines": 1,
  "encoding": "UTF-8",
  "serdeProperties": null,
  "serde": null,
  "endValidDate": null,
  "startValidDate": "2022-06-19T10:00:00.885Z",
  "regularExpression": "^myentity_((?<year>\\d{4})-(?<month>\\d{2})-(?<day>\\d{2}))_((?<hour>\\d{2})-(?<minute>\\d{2})-(?<second>\\d{2})).csv",
  "tableName": "MyNewEntity",
  "name": "MyNewEntity",
  "description": "Description of MyNewEntity",
  "idProvider": 10,
  "additionalProperties": "{\"sourceTableName\":\"[staging].[MyNewEntity]\"}",
  "generateDeltaTable": false,
  "idTableFormat": 3,
  "sourcePath": null

The response will return the Id of the Entity created, which can be used, for example, for adding a new Attribute.


  "id": 100,
  "tags": null,
  "providerName": "MyNewProvider",
  "databaseName": "dwmynewprovider",
  "dataStorageUnitId": 1,
  "creationDate": "2022-06-20T08:49:48.13",
  "detail": null,
  "entitySize": null,
  "source": ".MyNewEntity",
  "viewDefinition": null,
  "entityType": 1,
  "dsu": null,
  "imageURL": null,
  "filesPerDrop": 1,
  "rowDelimiter": null,
  "reCreateTableOnDeployment": true,
  "nullText": null,
  "format": "csv",
  "lastDeployed": null,
  "lastUpdated": "2022/06/20",
  "fieldDelimiter": "\t",
  "headerLines": 1,
  "encoding": "UTF-8",
  "serdeProperties": null,
  "serde": null,
  "endValidDate": null,
  "startValidDate": "2022/06/19",
  "regularExpression": "^myentity_((?<year>\\d{4})-(?<month>\\d{2})-(?<day>\\d{2}))_((?<hour>\\d{2})-(?<minute>\\d{2})-(?<second>\\d{2})).csv",
  "tableName": "MyNewEntity",
  "name": "MyNewEntity",
  "description": "Description of MyNewEntity",
  "idProvider": 10,
  "additionalProperties": "{\"sourceTableName\":\"[staging].[MyNewEntity]\"}",
  "generateDeltaTable": false,
  "idTableFormat": 3,
  "sourcePath": null

For more information about the Entity fields, please check this page.