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How to add a new Provider


Some fields of the Provider will be linked to Azure resources; naming conventions and restrictions will apply. This tutorial applies to intakes of Landing Zone type.

A Provider is a Sidra element that represents a logical collection of Entities.

One Provider can be related to a unique data source or several data sources, which together conform a logical unit.

Providers are stored in the Provider table in the Sidra Core metadata database.

The way to create a new Provider entry is by using the Sidra API endpoint.

Add a new Provider by using the Sidra API

For illustrative purposes, we will assume that the Sidra API is deployed at the following URL; the host-name follows the Sidra's naming conventions:

Sidra API requires requests to be authenticated: the section How to use Sidra API explains how to create an authenticated requests.
The API comes with the Swagger UI as a test ground for manual calls to the API. Swagger will ease the process authenticating the calls:

This is the sequence of requests required to create a new Provider:

Step 1. Get the identifier of the Data Storage Unit

To create a Provider, it is required to know the ID of the Data Storage Unit (DSU). The DSU will hold the data of the Entities associated with the Provider.
If the DSU identifier is already known, this step can be skipped. If not, the following request will retrieve all the DSUs:



It will return an object with the list of DSUs, including their IDs.


    "TotalItems": "{TOTAL NUMBER OF DSUs}",
    "Items": [{
            "id": 1,
            "name": "MyDSU",
            "resourceGroupName": "{RESOURCE GROUP NAME}",
            "clusterName": "{CLUSTER NAME}",
            "idClusterType": "{ID CLUSTER TYPE}",
            "idLocation": "{LOCATION ID}",
            "iconURL": "{URL ICON}",
            "description" : "{DESCRIPTION}",
            "detail" : "{DETAIL}"

From the previous response, the ID of the DSU can be retrieved and used in the next step to populate the field idDataStorageUnit.

Step 2. Create a new Provider entry

To create a Provider entry, you will need information that needs to be gathered: see below details about all the fields of a Provider entry.

By using Sidra API, some of the fields of the Provider are automatically populated, like Id, ParentSecurityPath or CreationDate.
Once the rest of the information of the Provider is gathered, its entry can be created using this request.


For the `DatabaseName` field, lower letters, figures and spaces are allowed; no underscore (_) or minus (-) may be accepted.



And adding the request payload content as required fields of a Provider entry:

Request body

    "providerName": "MyNewProvider",
    "databaseName": "dwmynewprovider",
    "owner": "John Doe - [email protected]",
    "description": "Description of MyNewProvider",
    "idDataStorageUnit": 1

The response will return the ID of the Provider created, which can be used, for example, when adding a new Entity.


    "id": 10,
    "itemId": "6c12df27-2c38-4b0b-9Acd-dfec2930acda",
    "tags": [{
            "name": "string"
    "providerSize": 0,
    "dataStorageUnitId": 1,
    "creationDate": "2020-01-22T18:03:45.938Z",
    "owner": {
        "name": "John Doe - [email protected]",
        "picture": "string"
    "providerName": "MyNewProvider",
    "databaseName": "dwmynewprovider",
    "description": "Description of MyNewProvider",
    "idDataStorageUnit": 1